Stamatina Yannakourou

Deputy Ombudsman in charge of gender equality issues since may 2008.

She was born in Athens in 1966. She received her law degree from the Law School of Athens University in 1988. She studied law as a postgraduate at the University of Paris X-Nanterre, where she obtained a DEA in Social and Trade Union Law (1989) and a Doctorat in Labour Law (1994).

During her studies in France she was honoured with a research fellowship from the French Ministry of Research and Technology (1989-1992) and was offered a Teaching Assistant position in Private Law at the University of Paris X-Nanterre (1992-1994). Her doctorate dissertation was honoured by the French government with a publishing allowance.

Since 1990 she is Attorney-at-Law at the Athens Bar Association.

From 1996 to 2005 she worked as Scientific Advisοr at the Economic and Social Council of Greece (OKE), specialised in the field of Labour Law, EU social affairs, social dialogue at national level and within the member-states of the European Union. From 2005 to 2007 she served as Special Advisor to the Secretary General for Gender Equality of Greece at the Ministry of Interior, Public Administration and Decentralisation. During this period she was member of the High Level Group on Gender Mainstreaming set out by the European Commission. She was project coordinator of the preparation of the 6th National Report of Greece (2001-2004) at the UN Committee on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women, as well as in charge of Greece’s written explanatory remarks and oral presentation at the UN Cedaw Committee in New York in January 2007.

She was appointed as expert at the Standing Committee having elaborated national laws which transposed council directives 2002/73/EC and 2006/54/EC, on equal opportunities and equal treatment of men and women in employment, labour and occupation, into domestic law.

She has collaborated as independent expert with the European Commission, DG EMPL - Unit Labour Law and Work Organisation. She is advisor of studies at the National Center of Public Administration and has taught for many years at the National School of Public Administration.

She is author of several publications in English, French and Greek. Her most significant works are:

Equal treatment between men and women in EU and Greek Labour Law (in Greek), Ed. Ant. N. Sakkoulas, Athens, 2008, p. 327 + XXII.
L' Etat, l'autonomie collective et le travailleur. Εtude comparée du droit italien et du droit français de la représentativité syndicale (in French), Préface A. Lyon-Caen, L.G.D.J., Bibliothèque de Droit Privé, Tome 247, Paris 1995, pages 393 + XXV.
“The evolution of Labour Law in Greece: 1992 – 2002” in The evolution of labour law (1992-2003) Volume 2: National reports, European Commission, Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2005, p.p. 189-244, ISBN 92-894-9894-3.
in collaboration with Koukoules, G. (2003), “Labour Conciliation, mediation and arbitration in Greece”, in Fernando Valdes dal Re (editor), Labour Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration in the European Union countries, Study for the European Commission, Madrid: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (in Spanish and in English), p.p. 195 – 229.
She is fluent in Greek (native speaker), English, French and Italian.

She is married and mother of two sons.

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Ombudsman & the world

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