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Results 151 to 155 out of 218.


  • 17/11/2015
    - The Greek Ombudsman on the murderous attacks in Paris
    The Acting Greek Ombudsman Mr Vassilis Karydis expressed his condolences and solidarity towards the French people on the murderous attacks of 13th November in Paris in his letter to the French Ombudsman Mr Jacques Toubon. A letter of sympathy was also addressed to the French Ambassador in Greece Mr Christophe Chantepy and the Director of the French Institute in Athens Mr Olivier Descotes.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 03/11/2015
    - Professor Calliope Spanou leaves the Office of the Greek Ombudsman
    Professor Calliope Spanou leaves the Office of the Greek Ombudsman, following the ex officio expiry of her mandate, according to Law 4339/2015. For the interim period, acting Ombudsman is Professor Vassileios Karydis.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 02/10/2015
    - Speech by the Greek Ombudsman, Ms Calliope Spanou, in the Third International Symposium on Ombudsman Institutions
    The Greek Ombudsman, Ms Calliope Spanou, participated in the Third International Symposium on Ombudsman Institutions, organized by the Ombudsman of the Republic of Turkey. The Symposium took place in Ankara on September 16-17, 2015. The title of Ms Spanou’s speech was: “Ombudsman and Women’s Rights - The Contribution of the Ombudsman to Combating Gender Discrimination”.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 18/05/2015
    - Conference on human rights and transparency in forced returns operations
    Mixed migration flows management and forced return operations procedures, with particular reference to human rights protection and transparency guarantees will be at the centre of discussions at the conference organised by the Greek Ombudsman, with the support of the European Return Fund, on May 21, 2015, at the City of Athens “Antonis Tritsis” amphitheatre. Representatives of competent European and national authorities and organizations will address the conference, titled “Forced returns: mixed migration flows and human rights”. The issue is highly topical due to the recent exceptional increase of mixed migration flows.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 12/05/2015
    - Return of third country nationals –special report 2014
    The Greek Ombudsman’s special report on return procedures of third-country nationals in 2014 has been published with the support of the European Return Fund. On the basis of the Ombudsman’s statutory mandate to monitor returns, the report contains the independent authority’s findings on return and pre-removal detention procedures and its recommendations for improvement of the return system’s effectiveness with respect of legality and human rights.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman

Results 151 to 155 out of 218.

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