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Results 136 to 140 out of 218.


  • 07/04/2017
    - Τhe Ombudsman requests legal recognition of gender identity, while respecting the rights of transgender people
    The Ombudsman calls for immediate adoption of swift, transparent, accessible procedures for change of identity card and other identification documents of transgender people. On the occasion of the adoption of the Decision of the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in the case “Garçon, A.P. and Nicot v France”, the Ombudsman reiterates its position for immediate legislative intervention in accordance with Resolution 2048/2015 of the plenary of the Parliamentary Conference of the Council of Europe.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 04/04/2017
    - The Greek Ombudsman at the Barcelona symposium on Human Rights challenges in Europe
    The problems in the management of the current refugee/migration crisis by Greek and European authorities and the challenges to human rights were the main issues tackled by Ombudsman Andreas Pottakis during his speech at the Barcelona symposium on Human Rights challenges in Europe, on April 4, 2017, organised by the Catalan Ombudsman (Sindic de Greuges de Catalunya). Ombudsman Pottakis raised the issues of the lack of a clear and comprehensive policy both at national and at EU level, the failure to offer effective protection of fundamental rights as well as a prospect of integration, and the shortcomings in the reception, registration and accommodation of the refugees and migrants who arrived in Greece during the last two years.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 27/03/2017
    - The Ombudsman and the Head of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue (AADE) have inaugurated a regular cooperation
    A regular close cooperation with a view to urgently address all outstanding issues affecting taxpayers was announced by the Ombudsman, Andreas Pottakis and the Head of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue, Georgios Pitsilis, following their meeting at the offices of the Ombudsman. The cooperation will include regular meetings of joint high-level teams aiming at processing solutions to specific problems, but also frequent meetings of the Ombudsman with the Head of AADE for direct supervision and acceleration of the procedure. In today’s meeting, the Ombudsman also welcomed the solution of a chronic problem with regard to tax residence and tax equality of spouses with different domicile.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 07/03/2017
    - Presentation of the Ombudsman’s Annual Report for the year 2016
    Τhe economic and financial recession has taken on distinctive features of a deep humanitarian crisis, after eight consecutive years of downturn and shrinking of income but also of rights, the Ombudsman Andreas Pottakis points out in the Annual Report of the Independent Authority for 2016. The Ombudsman notes that social security and solidarity agencies, welfare structures and policies, tax authorities and utilities have remained in the forefront of interest for another year. In addition, he makes a specific reference in the management of migration and refugee flows, which he identifies as a ‘humanitarian crisis’ in the midst of a humanitarian crisis. The Ombudsman delivered the Authority’s Annual Report to the President of Parliament (photo from the website of the House) on 7 March 2017.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 24/02/2017
    - Visit by a delegation from the OECD and the General Secretariat for Anti-Corruption
    The offices of the Ombudsman were visited by representatives of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the Hellenic General Secretariat for Anti-Corruption. The Ombudsman’s staff made presentations with regard to the mandate of the Independent Authority, its ways of communicating with citizens and the complaints handling procedures. In particular, the front desk, call centre and computerised system of the Ombudsman were presented; also, its mediation methods and the process of using citizens’ complaints in order to draw general conclusions for combating maladministration. The visit took place in the context of the project to strengthen Greece’s action plan to fight corruption, which is implemented by the General Secretariat for Anti-Corruption and the OECD.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman

Results 136 to 140 out of 218.

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