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Results 126 to 130 out of 218.


  • 02/05/2017
    - Visit by the Dutch administration to the Ombudsman and staff
    Delegation of 20 officials of the Dutch Ministry of the Interior visited the Ombudsman, on Tuesday 2 May 2017, and was briefed on the structure and functioning of the Independent Authority. The discussion included the issue of refugees and migrants and its effect on society and public administration, as well as the Ombudsman’s mandate and how to accomplish it in particular within the fiscal crisis.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 26/04/2017
    - Visit from the Social Affairs and Health Committee of the Finnish Parliament
    The Ombudsman was visited today, 26 April 2017, by 11 members of the Social Affairs and Health Committee of the Finnish Parliament. MEPs were welcomed by the Ombudsman Andreas Pottakis, in the presence of the Deputy Ombudsman for Social Protection, Mr. Christos Ioannou. The topics discussed included immigrant and refugee crisis management, as well as the consequences of the economic crisis for citizens, with a particular focus on the impact on the welfare state and the healthcare system in our country.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 21/04/2017
    - Speech of Vice President of the European Court of Human Rights
    The newly elected Vice-President of the European Court of Human Rights, Linos Alexandros Sisilianos visited the Ombudsman, Andreas Pottakis on April 21st, 2017. Following the meeting, he presented to the staff of the Authority, the most important Greek cases addressed by the Court.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 20/04/2017
    - Rights of children on the move: Report and network at the initiative of the Ombudsman
    In the context of the specific competence of the Ombudsman for the protection and promotion of the rights of the child, a report has been drafted, containing information, comments and proposals relating to the identification and registration of the population of children moving from third countries, their living conditions, access to basic goods and services and international protection procedures, as well as particular issues relating to unaccompanied children. It is the first six-monthly actions review of the Independent Authority’s mechanism for monitoring the situation of children on the move, supported by the UN International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). Under this mechanism, at the initiative of the Ombudsman, a Network for the Rights of Children on the move has been established, involving three international intergovernmental organisations (UNHCR, UNICEF, International Organisation for Migration) and 15 non-governmental organisations providing services for refugee and migrant children at a panhellenic level. The commencement of the Network’s works at the beginning of 2017, aims to complement the Ombudsman’s initiatives in collaboration with the competent ministries, agencies, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, with the aim of protection and promotion of rights of children on the move.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 20/04/2017
    - The Ombudsman in the network of National Prevention Mechanisms
    The Deputy Ombudsman responsible for Human Rights George Nikolopoulos, participated in an event organised by the Council of Europe and the European Commission in Strasbourg, on 4-5 April 2017. The key issues of this inaugural meeting of the network of National Preventive Mechanisms against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (NPMs) were carrying out inspections of places of detention, reporting and recommendations, monitoring of their implementation and the relations with decision-makers and civil society. The event was attended by representatives of the UN Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture (SPT), the Council of Europe Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT), the OSCE (OSCE/ODIHR), the National Prevention Mechanisms (NPM’Obs), as well as representatives from the Council of Europe, which are not members of the EU. Act 4228/2014 ratified in Greece the “Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) and entrusted the Greek Ombudsman with the special responsibility of the National Prevention Mechanism.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman

Results 126 to 130 out of 218.

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