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Results 41 to 45 out of 158.


  • 04/03/2020
    - Vaccination: An important weapon against severe diseases
    The Ombudsman has recently addressed the issue of parents who do not wish to vaccinate their children, despite the fact that there are no medical contraindications. In its recommendations addressed to individuals, the Ombudsman notes that in any case the need for vaccinations is underlined by the World Health Organization as the most important weapon against serious diseases which are dangerous for individual as well as public health, thus reducing the morbidity in the general population.
  • 04/03/2020
    - Special Report ‘State aid in the Agricultural Sector & Primary production’
    This is the first systematic mapping of the Independent Authority’s long-term experience with regard to administrative malfunctions in the management of State aid for primary production in the agricultural, livestock breeding and fishing sectors.
  • 04/03/2020
    - Meeting of the Ombudsman with the Minister of Citizens' Protection
    Mr. Pottakis had the opportunity to present to the Ministry’s political leadership and the headship of the Hellenic Police the key findings of the first report of the Independent Authority in its capacity as the National Mechanism for investigating incidents of arbitrariness in security forces and in detention facilities (EMIDIPA) which categorize the basic pathogenicity forms in the disciplinary control of its officers regarding incidents of arbitrary behaviour.
  • 04/03/2020
    - Legal provision for the non-inclusion of welfare benefits awarded to PWD in the taxable income
    Following an intervention by the Greek Ombudsman, welfare benefits for persons with disabilities shall not be included in any income category and shall be protected against attachment by the State for debts of their beneficiaries (Article 81 of Law 4611/2019).
  • 04/03/2020
    - Fine imposed on a hotel company for refusal to hire a worker with a disability/chronic condition
    Α worker submitted a complaint to the Ombudsman and the Labour Inspectorate (SEPE), arguing that a hotel refused to hire him in its reception due to its low height, caused by disability/chronic disease.

Results 41 to 45 out of 158.

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Ombudsman & the world

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