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Results 16 to 20 out of 20.


  • 15/03/2019
    - Citizens’ information on a tri-annual basis via
    The Ombudsman launches a new tool towards a more timely and comprehensive information of its stakeholders. Tri-annual Bulletins shall present some of the most important actions and interventions of the Independent Authority, indicative of the range of mediating and monitoring activities of its Investigators.
  • 12/03/2019
    - Andreas Pottakis is the new Chair of the Association of Mediterranean Ombudsmen (AOM) as of today
    The official assumption of the Presidency of the Association of Mediterranean Ombudsmen (AOM) by the Greek Ombudsman Andreas Pottakis, completed the meeting on 12 March 2019 between the Executive Committee and the Management Board of the organisation consisting of the Ombudsmen of the Mediterranean countries. Andreas Pottakis succeeded to the chair the Albanian Ombudsman, Commissioner Erinda Balanka, who hosted the event in Tirana.
  • 25/02/2019
    - The Ombudsman’s report on the EU Relocation programme for asylum seekers
    The Greek Ombudsman published a report on the EU Relocation Programme for asylum seekers, on the occasion of the Regional Board of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) meeting in Athens on February 20, 2019. An assessment of the EU emergency measure of relocating asylum seekers form Greece to other Member-states was assigned to the Ombudsman by the IOI European Regional Board. Mr. Andreas Pottakis, participating in the Board, presented the report in their meeting in Brussels in October 2018 and also sent it to the Greek Minister for Migration, Dimitris Vitsas.
  • 25/02/2019
    - Video for the 20th Anniversary of the Greek Ombudsman
  • 18/02/2019
    - 20 years of the Greek Ombudsman
    The Greek Ombudsman, a constitutionally endorsed independent authority, is celebrating its 20th anniversary. More than 1.000.000 citizens who have come to contact with the services of the Authority throughout the years — according to the data held by the Ombudsman — are also celebrating with us.

Results 16 to 20 out of 20.

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