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Results 16 to 20 out of 27.


  • 14/05/2018
    - New information material on equal treatment
    The Ombudsman, as the statutory body for promoting equal treatment and combating discrimination, seeks a common understanding with the public administration as to what constitutes discrimination in practice as well as the dissemination of information on the protection provided by law.
  • 10/05/2018
    - Hellenic-Dutch Ombudsmen cooperation
    The Dutch Ombudsman Mr. Reinier van Zutphen is currently visiting the country in the context of his close cooperation with his Greek counterpart, Mr. Andreas Pottakis.
  • 30/04/2018
    - Ombudsman's remarks on the draft law on the reception of applicants for international protection
    The Greek Ombudsman submitted detailed comments/remarks on the draft law of the Ministry of Migration Policy entitled "Adaptation of Greek Legislation to the provisions of Directive 2013/33 / EU[1] (recast 29.6.13) on the requirements for the reception of applicants for international protection, and other provisions"
  • 26/03/2018
    - Annual Report of the Ombudsman for the year 2017
    The issue of the rule of law and the legality of administrative action in Greece is at the heart of the Ombudsman's Annual Report for the year 2017.
  • 12/03/2018
    - Tax gender equality
    The Ombudsman welcomes the recent judgment of the Council of State (no 330/2018) concerning the possibility of the spouses to file a separate income tax return.

Results 16 to 20 out of 27.

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Ombudsman & the world

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