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Results 56 to 60 out of 158.


  • 18/12/2019
    - Cultural and environmental degradation of Meteora
    The Ombudsman examined complaints raising a wide range of environmental issues regarding the area of Meteora and addressed the administration, asking for legal procedures to be followed. The issues raised were arbitrary building works in Holy Monasteries, land clearance, road works, waste water discharges and waste disposal. During the course of the investigation, issues of insufficient protection of the site were highlighted.
  • 18/12/2019
    - Comments on the draft law of the Ministry of Citizen Protection on international protection
    The Ombudsman Andreas Pottakis sent on 23-10-2019 the comments of the Independent Authority on the draft Law on International Protection to the Minister of Citizen Protection and the competent committee of the Parliament.
  • 18/12/2019
    - Free passage of the unemployed from the toll stations of Egnatia Odos SA
    Following an intervention of the Ombudsman, Egnatia Odos S.A. has now correctly implemented Decision No DNS/oik.84646/fn393/27-11-2017 of the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport and authorised free passage from their toll stations of vehicles belonging to the unemployed upon presentation of a valid unemployment card.
  • 18/12/2019
    - Age limit elimination in coffee shops company hiring ads
    A specific complaint brought to the Ombudsman’s attention the fact that a chain of coffee shops had set maximum and minimum age limitσ (between 20-35 years of age) in the hiring ads posted on its website.
  • 18/12/2019
    - Special Report: ‘Recognition of Foreign Academic Qualifications & Professional Rights’
    The Ombudsman’s Special Report on “Recognition of Foreign Academic qualifications & Professional Rights’: the institutional framework and the difficulties of accessing the labour market” puts forward, among other things, the complete reform of the framework of foreign qualifications recognition and the rationalisation of safeguarding the professional rights of thousands of graduates who asphyxiate — frequently for a number of years — among the red tape and the reasoning of professional interest groups.

Results 56 to 60 out of 158.

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