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Results 6 to 10 out of 20.


  • 18/12/2019
    - Age limit elimination in coffee shops company hiring ads
    A specific complaint brought to the Ombudsman’s attention the fact that a chain of coffee shops had set maximum and minimum age limitσ (between 20-35 years of age) in the hiring ads posted on its website.
  • 18/12/2019
    - Special Report: ‘Recognition of Foreign Academic Qualifications & Professional Rights’
    The Ombudsman’s Special Report on “Recognition of Foreign Academic qualifications & Professional Rights’: the institutional framework and the difficulties of accessing the labour market” puts forward, among other things, the complete reform of the framework of foreign qualifications recognition and the rationalisation of safeguarding the professional rights of thousands of graduates who asphyxiate — frequently for a number of years — among the red tape and the reasoning of professional interest groups.
  • 18/12/2019
    - Reform of the certification system of Greek language knowledge
    The State responded positively to an intervention by the Ombudsman, which found that there were deficiencies in the examination procedure of foreign citizens wishing to get Greek language proficiency certification, so that they could have easier access to a specific type of residence permit (‘long-term resident’), as well as a more favourable assessment in the naturalisation procedure. The State took the Authority’s observations very seriously, by initially suspending the examinations and subsequently reforming the system of evaluation of “Greek proficiency” for naturalisation issues with the specific legislative provisions of Law 4604/2019.
  • 02/12/2019
    - National Preventive Mechanism against Torture and Ill-treatment - Annual Special Report 2018
    The Greek Ombudsman published its Annual Special Report 2018 as the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM), designated by Law 4228/2014 which ratified the Optional Protocol within the framework of UN’s Convention against Torture (OPCAT).
  • 19/11/2019
    - Monitoring Returns Challenges for Greece and Europe
    The international conference will tatke place on Thursday 21.11.2019, at the Amphitheatre of the National Hellenic Research Foundation,48 Vassileos Konstantinou str, Athens, at 6.00 pm

Results 6 to 10 out of 20.

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