Recent Interventions

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Results 1 to 5 out of 13.


  • 05/11/2018 - Press release
    - Granting disability allowance to prisoners
    The Ombudsman’s standing position that detainees should not be excluded from grave disability allowance, provided that the remaining legal conditions are met, has been accepted by the administration. A recent circular by the Ministry of Labour, Social Security and Social Solidarity has upheld the persistent interventions of the Independent Authority, recognising that deprivation of liberty does not constitute an obstacle to the granting of disability allowances, since detention facilities do not meet the personalised needs arising from disability and therefore the social purpose of the allowance is not cancelled.
  • 19/07/2018 - Summary
    - Free movement of workers in the European Union (EU) and family benefits
    Ο Συνήγορος του Πολίτη διερεύνησε υπόθεση σχετικά με τη χορήγηση οικογενειακού επιδόματος σε ανήλικο τέκνο που φοιτά σε σχολείο κράτους μέλους της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Σύμφωνα με τα στοιχεία της αναφοράς, ο αιτών πατέρας του τέκνου είναι Πολωνός διακινούμενος εργαζόμενος, έχει δύο ανήλικα τέκνα και ο ΟΓΑ του χορηγεί ενιαίο επίδομα στήριξης τέκνων για το ένα παιδί με την αιτιολογία ότι το άλλο φοιτά σε Λύκειο στην Πολωνία. Ο ΟΓΑ σε σχετικό ερώτημα του Συνηγόρου του Πολίτη απάντησε ότι το επίδομα δίδεται για παιδιά που ζουν εκτός Ελλάδος μόνο στην περίπτωση που φοιτούν αυτά σε Ανώτερες ή Ανώτατες Σχολές μετά την ενηλικίωσή τους.


  • 21/03/2017 - Summary
    - Access to the medical file of hospitalised mentally ill individuals
    A mentally ill patient requested the Ombudsman’s mediation, complaining that he was refused access to his medical file from a psychiatric hospital, where he had been hospitalised, on the grounds that it serves the therapeutic purpose. The Ombudsman addressed the hospital and stressed that the patient’s access to his medical file is an inalienable statutory right. In particular, both the patient’s right to information and his access to the relevant medical file are enshrined in several provisions, more recently in special provision of Article 28, Law 3418/2005 “Doctor and Mental Health Care”. It also noted that respect for civil rights of the mental patient and his participation in the treatment is a accomplishment of indisputable importance: the patient is, at the same time, a free person. Following the Ombudsman’s intervention, the medical file was released to the patient.
  • 15/03/2017 - Summary
    - Non-suspension nor retroactive deduction of detainees’ pensions
    The Ombudsman expressed concerns about the legality of the provision of Article 29 par. 7 case e’, L 1846/1951, according to which payment of pensions is suspended to pensioners who are serving a custodial sentence of more than six months; subsequently the Independent Authority was informed that, in the framework of EFKA (Unified Social Security Agency) operation, while drafting its Insurance and Benefits Regulations, a provision will be included, addressing, in a common way, suspension of pensions for detainees, beneficiaries of various social security funds, taking into consideration the observations and conclusions of the Ombudsman.
  • 28/02/2017 - Summary
    - Offsetting debts against pensions must not financially debilitate the pensioners
    The Ombudsman has suggested that offsetting social benefits against unduly paid benefits must not reduce earnings below the poverty threshold, determined by Eurostat. On this basis, the Ombudsman proposed to make all the necessary adaptations of the computer applications used by the Social Security Fund OAEE to allow offsetting at instalments lower from 1/4 of the gross amount of pension. The proposals were not accepted.

Results 1 to 5 out of 13.

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