What we can help with

In 2003, Law 3094/2003 assigned to the Ombudsman the mission of the Children's Ombudsman, that of defending and promoting the rights of children (all persons up to the age of 18).

The Ombudsman mediates in cases involving actions or omissions of public services as well as individuals (natural or legal persons), following a complaint filed by citizens (children themselves, relatives or persons who had first-hand knowledge of the violation) as well as ex officio in areas deemed to be of major importance.

The Children's Ombudsman also operates a special hotline for minors (800-11-32000, Monday - Friday 09.00-16.00) and has a specially designed area where minors can meet with qualified staff.
The Ombudsman makes recommendations and suggests all necessary measures to eliminate observed problems and safeguard the rights of the child.
The Children's Ombudsman also develops activities and initiatives to inform, raise awareness and educate adults and children on children's rights. Maintains a special website for children (www.0-18.gr), organises visits and discussions in schools and institutions throughout the country and has created since 2008 the Youth Advisory Panel and Community in order to regularly communicate with them and consult them on matters relevant to children’s rights.

The Ombudsman elaborates and submits specific proposals, aimed to the widest possible implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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Ombudsman & the world

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