The Greek Ombudsman

The Greek Ombudsman’s guiding principle and drive as a mediator is its commitment to the win-win approach, i.e. visualising solutions from which both the citizens and the administration can benefit. The Independent Authority stands by the citizen affected by the financial  crisis; it investigates problems caused by legislation or administrative acts or omissions and undertakes targeted initiatives, building on the expertise it has developed so far and the enhanced competences it enjoys. In addition, the Ombudsman acts as guardian of the people’s rights in both the public and private sectors, with a special emphasis on monitoring and promoting the implementation of the principle of equal treatment, the rights of the child and the rights of vulnerable groups.







Equal Treatment – Special Report 2020

Special Report 2020 on Returns of Third Country NationalsFrom the beginning of 2020, the disproportionately severe effects of the pandemic, which threaten socially vulnerable groups or groups with special characteristics, became apparent. This state of emergency necessitated immediate action and brought to the forefront the obligation to take reasonable care of the needs of affected groups or persons. This is the general observation of the Greek Ombudsman's Special Report on Equal Treatment in 2020.

View Equal Treatment - Special Report 2020



Annual Report 2020

View Annual Report 2020









Own initiative investigation by the Greek Ombudsman on alleged pushbacks to Turkey of foreign nationals who had arrived in Greece seeking international protection

Own initiative investigation by the Greek Ombudsman on alleged pushbacks to Turkey of foreign nationals who had arrived in Greece seeking international protectionRead more about Own initiative investigation by the Greek Ombudsman on alleged pushbacks to Turkey of foreign nationals who had arrived in Greece seeking international protection


National Mechanism for the Investigation of Arbitrary Incidents – Special Report for 2020

National Mechanism for the Investigation of Arbitrary Incidents – Special Report for 2020 According to the Greek Ombudsman, the year 2020 marks a decisive turn in the investigation of arbitrary incidents by police officers or other members of the security forces. The alleged incidents submitted to the Ombudsman as National Mechanism for the Investigation of Arbitrary Incidents increased by 75% by individual complainants and by 26% in total, indicating the recognition by the public at large of the independent authority’s contribution to securing substantial safeguards in independent and objective investigation procedures. The rising trend of complaints reflects the demand for effective investigation of alleged violations of the right to life, physical integrity and personal safety. The legislative enhancement of the independent authority with institutional means of investigation in 2020, increases its potential to fulfill its mandate as National Mechanism for the Investigation of Arbitrary Incidents which is crucial in a rule of law state.
Read Special Report 2020 - National Mechanism For The Investigation Of Arbitrary Incidents


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