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Results 141 to 145 out of 218.


  • 21/02/2017
    - Children’s costumes for the Carnival free from sexist and discriminatory stereotypes
    The Ombudsman notes that prohibiting the promotion of products unsuitable for minors and commercial practices which can have a detrimental effect on the emotional development of children constitutes a necessary measure for the protection of minors from sexist innuendos and references to hate crimes. The relevant decision of the Ministry of Economy and Development adopted an opinion of the Committee for the Protection of Minors chaired by the Deputy Ombudsman for Children’s Rights.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 16/02/2017
    - Meeting of the Ombudsman with the General Secretary of Crime Policy
    A group of officials from the Ministry of Justice, Transparency and Human Rights, headed by Mr Εftychis Fytrakis, Secretary General for Crime Policy, visited the Ombudsman Mr Andreas Pottakis on 15 February 2017. The meeting was held in the framework of the Cooperation Agreement between the Independent Authority and the Ministry of Justice; the agenda included the new competences provided by the L.4443/2016, in accordance with which the Ombudsman is designated as the independent mechanism for the investigation of complaints of arbitrary behaviour by law enforcement and detention facilities personnel. Specific reference was also made to the Draft Law of the Ministry of Justice under consultation concerning “Treatment Measures for offenders acquitted due to mental disorders”. A high level of cooperation was established and enhancement of contacts between staff members was agreed.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 15/02/2017
    - Meeting concerning the citizens’ compensation when Authorities fail to respond to their requests
    The Special Secretary of Inspectors-Controllers Body for Public Administration –I.C.B.P.A. met on February 14 with a team from the Ombudsman led by the Deputy Ombudswoman for State-Citizen Relations. The Independent Authority raised the issue of satisfaction of the constitutional right to compensation due to expiry of the legal deadlines for reply to citizens’ requests, as well as the general need for timely and full information of citizens on their cases.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 13/02/2017
    - Visit by a delegation from the Petitions Committee of the German Parliament
    Α delegation from the Petitions Committee of the German Parliament visited the Ombudsman on 9 February 2017. The Ombudsman and Deputy Ombudspersons informed the delegation on the work and responsibilities of the Independent Authority. In their turn, the members of the Petitions Committee of the German Parliament briefed the Greek Ombudsman on their experience with regard to the investigation of petitions for maladministration cases in Germany.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman
  • 09/02/2017
    - The Ombudsman before the Parliament for the protection of Geo-environment
    Mr. Ioannis Sagias, Deputy Ombudsman responsible for the Department of Quality of Life, briefed the Special Permanent Parliamentary Committee for the Protection of the Environment on Wednesday February 8 2017. At the meeting, the Deputy Ombudsman gave a speech on “Geo-environment Protection: current situation, problems and perspectives”; he made reference to the experience, views and proposals of the Independent Authority for the Protection of geotopes under geopreservation. As noted by the Deputy, in practice geotopes are deprived of protection mainly due to lack of their administrative recognition as a protected environmental object. The Independent Authority is currently drafting a Special Report on the issue.
    From: The Greek Ombudsman

Results 141 to 145 out of 218.

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