ALL | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2012 | 2011 | 2005
31/12/2012 - Summary
- Cost of childcare in day nurseries
31/12/2012 - Summary
- Schools in times of crisis
Primary and secondary education was severely affected by the economic crisis. Apart from the reduction in funds for the operating costs of schools, the restriction on recruitment of teachers, merging of schools and the serious problems faced in transportation of students, which had a direct impact on the quality of education, children suffer other direct negative consequences such as rising unemployment of their parents and continuous reduction of family income. As a result of all these factors, children experience feelings that often result in violent and aggressive behaviour. -
06/11/2012 - Findings report
- Organisation and implementation of foster care
01/06/2012 - Special report
- Parallel report of the Greek Ombudsman to the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child
Findings and recommendations of the Independent Authority on the implementation of children’s rights in Greece.