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Results 6 to 10 out of 34.
- Τhe Ombudsman, Andreas I. Pottakis, sent his counterparts in Madrid and Barcelona letters of sympathy
- Visit of the Ombudsmen from the Netherlands & Basque Country
The role and prospects for closer cooperation among their institutions, with the aim of protecting political and social rights of citizens, migrants and refugees, were discussed on the 24th and 25th of July 2017, by the Ombudsmen of Greece, Andreas Pottakis, of the Netherlands, Reinier van Zutphen and of the Basque Country, Manuel Lezertua, in Athens. The three Ombudsmen met with the Minister of Migration Policy Yannis Mouzalas and discussed recent developments and the role of our country on the migration/refugee issue, as well as with the Dutch Ambassador in Greece, Caspar Veldkamp. The Greek Ombudsman and his Dutch counterpart also visited the Parliament and met with Vice-Presidents Tasos Kourakis and Anastasia Christodoulopoulou. -
- Ombudsman’s Special Report on migration flows and refugee protection
The Greek Ombudsman, Andreas Pottakis, released today the special report on “The challenge of migratory flows and refugee protection-Issues of administrative management and rights”. In its first special report on the matter, the Independent Authority reflects its findings on the management of population flows, with particular emphasis in the period from the upsurge of the number of third countries refugees up to about one year from the Joint EU-Turkey Statement. The event launching the report was hosted at the Athens Concert Hall, and was welcomed the President of the Parliament Nikos Voutsis and the Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship, Dimitris Avramopoulos. -
- Ex officio investigations for the anaesthesiologists and alleged readmissions to Turkey
By its decisions disclosed below, the Ombudsman launches today ex officio investigations on two issues: The first one concerns the alleged refusal of the anaesthesiologists serving at the General Hospital of Samos to be involved in pregnancy interruption procedures on the grounds of moral objections. The second one concerns the alleged irregular readmissions to Turkey by the Greek authorities, of Turkish citizens who enter Greece seeking international protection. -
- The Greek Ombudsman meets with counterparts in the Region
Ways of closer cooperation and enhanced coordination aiming at the improvement of human rights protection for migrants and refugees were the topic of discussions between the Greek Ombudsman and his counterparts from Turkey and Serbia as well as delegations from the Ombudsmen institutions of Kosovo and FYROM. The event was hosted by the Greek Parliament, in the presence of Vice-President Tasia Christodoulopoulou. A welcoming speech was also given by the FRONTEX officer responsible for the respect of human rights. Prior to the event, the Greek Ombudsman had a special meeting with his counterpart from Turkey.
Results 6 to 10 out of 34.